Blogs > Delco at the GOP Convention

Mike Puppio blogs live from the floor at the GOP Convention.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mitt Romney's big night

One of the main themes I heard leading up to this week was how scripted the conventions were and that there was no spontaneity. Then, tonight along came Clint Eastwood. What was that all about?? In my opinion, it was exactly the opposite of what Republicans need to do this year. The Presidents policies have been abject failures. He is in way over his head and so are his advisors. They have no clue how to get us out of the jam we are in. He has also not taken responsibility for his policies and he has engaged in bitterly divisive campaign that vilifies success and pits the haves against the have-nots. 

But that does not give anyone the right to disrespect the President of the United States, especially on national TV . My Father always told me "you need not respect the man or his policies but you darn sure respect the office." Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, Clint Eastwood's ad libbed remarks were a mistake and a distraction on the biggest night of his life. But it did not seem to take him off stride one bit. 

Coming into this speech Mitt Romney had to convince independent voters and moderate democrats who voted for Obama four years ago that Obama has failed them and it was time to give him (Romney) a try. I think he succeeded in doing that on a number of levels. First and foremost he made the case that the presidents policies have failed and he refuses to acknowledge that or take responsibility for them. Second, he pointed out that the refusal to take responsibility and the constant blame game results in the self perpetuating negative mindset  Because he can't fix it -- he is basically telling us that the problem has become too big to fix. All we hear are negative things like "America is on the decline" or the "American century has come to a close", or our children will not be better off than we are. Romney clearly disagreed with that position. 

He laid out in a concise fashion that in order to have a successful economy you need to have successful small businesses and in order to have success small businesses, you to have experience with them. Romney has significant successful experience and the President has NONE and the pickle we are in is the proof to that point.

He also took on this so called "Republican War on Women " head on. His former secretary of jobs, a female African American and self proclaimed liberal Democrat, praised his governing skills and his promotion of women to senior management levels in Massachusetts government. I think we heard loud and clear tonight that the Romney/Ryan ticket is not going to take those ridiculous allegations sitting down. 

Lastly, Mitt Romney made the case for why he should be given the chance to lead our country. He promised to help families--- ALL families. young and old, rich and poor, black, white yellow or brown. The Democrat myth that Romney is just some tottering robot who wakes up like Boris Badenoff with an evil plan to destroy the poor has been DEBUNKED. All week long friends, family, former co-workers, neighbors and even strangers have testified to the deep caring and kindness in his heart. I am convinced that what ever economic policy he puts in place will done so with the best interest of all people in mind. That doesn't mean everything happens magically at once -- but the goal is to effect positive change for everyone. 

It has been an exciting convention and one thing I can tell you is the Delaware County delegation is returning home with new found desire and drive for a Romney-Ryan victory in November. For all those who are voting that way, we love your vote but we need your help. This race is not won on TV or on your iPhone or on Facebook. It is won in the Meehan/Romney/Ryan Victory Center on Baltimore Pike in Springfield above the old Borders. It is won making tedious phone calls. It is won going door to door on Super Saturday and it is won by you going out of your way to talk to every neighbor on your street. Make no mistake, this  race will not win it self. The office is open 7 days a week from early until late and we need your help. If you don't like what is going on in this country then...... Step up and do something about it. Help Mitt Romney help you..

My thanks to the Daily Times for allowing me to carry the Republican flag into battle. It was my intention to do so in a respectful fashion and I hope I have accomplished that. see you at the victory center and then at the polls and the celebration.

Thank you again!
Michael Puppio


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